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Artificial Intelligence verkleind

Science & Cocktails: the ChatGPTiffication of our Democracy

Science & Cocktails: the ChatGPTiffication of our Democracy

maandag 11 december 2023

maandag 11 december 2023

In Tolhuistuin - Club

Zaal open: 19:00, Voorprogramma: 19:30, Hoofdprogramma: 20:30

  • Programma half zittend, half staand

Science & Cocktails is a series of public talks by scientists with live music and smoky dry-ice chilled cocktails in your hand.

19:00 doors open for cocktails
19:30 SNACKBAR the Ambassador
20:30 Natali Helberger
Event in English, semi-seated.

Be the first to know when the next Science & Cocktails Amsterdam event(s) will take place by subscribing to our newsletter.

The ChatGPTiffication of our Democracy

What impact do the latest developments in AI have on our society and the choices we make? Do we need to protect our privacy and our democracy? And if so, how can we do that?

On December 11th University Professor Natali Helberger - included in the list “100 brilliant women in AI ethics to follow” - will update you on the latest developments regarding AI and explain the pros and cons. OpenAI recently announced that ChatGPT can now 'see, hear and talk'. And just a couple of months ago the world's first comprehensive AI law - the AI Act - was put into place to regulate the use of artificial intelligence in the EU. In Helberger's talk on 'ChatGePificaTion of our Democracy - and what the law does about it', Helberger will dive into our (privacy) rights and the emerging regulatory framework.

Natali Helberger is University Professor of Information Law and Digital Technology at the University of Amsterdam and a member of the Institute for Information Law (IViR). In this role she is the leading expert on hot current topics like AI, Chat GPT, Platform regulation, digital user rights, digital ecosystems and news recommenders. Together with her team of experts in Information Law and Digital Technology she researches all the changes taking place, guards our human rights and advises governments and societal stakeholders.

Since 2021, Helberger has also been director of the AI, Media & Democracy Lab, and since 2022 scientific director of the AlgoSoc (Public Values in the Algorithmic Society) Gravity Consortium. A major focus of the AlgoSoc program is to mentor and train the next generation of interdisciplinary researchers.

She is a member of several national and international research groups and committees, including the Council of Europe's Expert Group on AI and Freedom of Expression. And last but not least, a founding member of the Human(e) AI research program and leads the Digital Transformation Initiative at the Faculty of Law.

This event is an initiative by the Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena (DIEP) with the support of the University of Amsterdam. Science & Cocktails Amsterdam is presented in cooperation with Paradiso Amsterdam.

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    SNACKBAR the Ambassador

    SNACKBAR the Ambassador is the alter ego of multidisciplinary visual artist, musician and radio presenter Matthias König. His music is best described as a highly explosive mixture of deconstructed folklore, electronic beats and space explorations, jazzed up by a healthy pinch of krautrock, psychedelic cumbia, dub and other mind-blowing multicultural delights.

    SNACKBAR the Ambassador 03 by Nadine Stijns 2022 lowres

    Listen to the top tracks

    Route naar Tolhuistuin

    Tolhuistuin (voorheen Paradiso Noord) is gevestigd aan IJpromenade 2 in Amsterdam Noord. Vanaf Amsterdam Centraal kun je met de gratis veerpont naar de overkant, waar je na links af te hebben geslagen, tegen Tolhuistuin aanloopt. Voor clubnachten wordt de ingang aan de achterkant gebruikt (Buiksloterweg 5C), die te bereiken is via het Overhoeksplein. 

    Eten vooraf
    Bij Tolhuistuin is het mogelijk om vooraf te dineren in het gezellige restaurant in hetzelfde gebouw. Reserveren is aan te raden en kan via deze website.

    Google Maps


    56 jaar concerten, clubnachten en cultuur

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