56 jaar concerten, clubnachten en cultuur

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Bogomir Doringer

WhyNot x Paradiso: The Body & Beats

WhyNot x Paradiso: The Body & Beats

zaterdag 21 oktober 2017

zaterdag 21 oktober 2017

Zaal open: 14:30, Zaal sluit: 18:00, Hoofdprogramma: 15:00

Dans & performance platform WhyNot presenteert een programma rondom het lichaam en elektronische muziek, als onderdeel van het ADE-programma van Paradiso. Hoe reageert het lichaam op verschillende soorten 'beats' en hoe kan een muzikant/dj deze fysieke ervaring sturen? Wat weten we van de geschiedenis van het clubdansen en hoe verhoudt zich dit tot de actuele ontwikkelingen? Brengt clubmuziek de massa samen of promoot het juist individualistisch genot? 

Op het programma staat o.a. Robin Koek van het duo Artefakt, waarmee hij dit jaar tevens ADE zal afsluiten. Samen met performer Lily Kiara gebruikt hij bewegingssensoren van Thomas van Els (Enliven3D) om dansritmes te creëren, manipuleren en controleren. De bewegingen van de danser worden omgezet in steeds veranderende ritmische structuren om tot een organische elektronische set te komen. 

Bogomir Doringer presenteert zijn lopende onderzoeksproject I DANCE ALONE naar de verschillende manieren waarop mensen bewegen in de clubs. Als individu, als massa, en als één organisme. In o.a. Amsterdam, Berlijn en Belgrado filmde hij deze clubbende mensenmassa's vanuit vogelperspectief, waarvan hij enkele excerpts toont. Rebecca Schaefer, assistent-professor in de neuropsychologie, geeft een lezing over de correlatie tussen muziek en beweging: hoe ervaren wij (onze hersenen) muzikale ritmes, waarom zet ons dat aan tot beweging, en hoe kunnen we de beat voelen in ons hoofd, zelfs zonder hem daadwerkelijk te horen?

Choreograaf/danser Jesus de Vega en zangeres/multi-instrumentalist Chai Blaq zetten in hun dansconcert CHOREOPOP de wisselwerking tussen het lichaam en de muziek centraal. In CHOREOPOP genereren de bewegingen van het lichaam het ritme, dat vervolgens het lichaam weer aanzet tot dansen.   

Het programma wordt gepresenteerd door componist/performer Gagi Patrovic.

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    Bogomir Doringer – I Dance Alone (talk & film)

    With his long term ongoing research project, ‘I Dance Alone’, Doringer uses bird’s eye view documentation of dance parties to investigate clubbing as an organism. Through the use of artistic and scientific methods in recording and describing dance notations, ‘I Dance Alone’ endeavours to give us a new understanding and imagery of collectivism versus individualism in contemporary society. Can we understand clubbing as a living system, regulating and stabilizing the state and function of the collective and the individual in regard to a changing society? Could clubbing (subculture) be observed as a microenvironment in order to find out how certain patterns of behaviour on a dance floor are telling stories about their wider contemporary cultural and socio-political systems? Doringer will do a short presentation and discussion of his research project.


    Robin Koek (Artefakt) & Lily Kiara (performance & talk)

    In his career, Robin Koek continuously pursues the interface between dance and sound, and moves in his work between the different contexts. With one leg in installation art, interactive systems and composition and the other leg in the techno scene with worldwide live and dj performances (as Artefakt), he is well established in both worlds.

    For The Body & Beats, Koek will aim for the synergy between these practices, working from sensory rhythms and improvised movements of a dancer: long-time dancer/choreographer and improvisation master Lily Kiara. In a 20-minute improvisation, Koek and Lily Kiara explore various techniques and angles to create, manipulate and control dance rhythms. Based on body sensors by Thomas van Els (Enliven3D), Kiara's motion is measured and converted to data that realizes rhythmic structures in real-time. The rotation around the axis, accelerations and delays are the musical parameters in this exploratory improvisation that continuously determine the composition and the sound.

    Bio pic Robin Kasia

    ​Rebecca Schaefer - When the brain moves to music (talk)​

    Music and movement are intricately connected, in our behaviour as well as in the brain. While we can experience musical rhythms in our heads even without sound, beat-based rhythms are also often used to bring people together. In this talk, assistant professor Neuropsychology (Leiden University) Rebecca Schaefer will present some neuropsychological research findings on music in our heads, on experiencing musical rhythm and moving to the beat, and will discuss the broader implications of it for human behaviour. 

    Jesús de Vega & Chai Blaq – Choreopop (performance)

    Jesús de Vega is a Spanish dancer/choreographer, currently a guest artist at ICK (Amsterdam City Company for Contemporary Dance). His organic choreographies are recognisable for its dark and poetic atmospheres as well as its powerful yet vulnerable physicality. Extremes, and a way to find balance between them, play an important role in his work. In Choreopop he forms a duo with the Dutch Congolese singer and multi-instrumentalist Chai Blaq (Michelle N'Toumba). She studied at the Academy of Pop Culture in Leeuwarden. Her music is often typed as a mix between R&B and electronic styles like dubstep and stairs with a freaky African-American vibe. In this interdisciplinary project they use body sounds as the base of the music, questioning what a music/dance concert could be like. 



    56 jaar concerten, clubnachten en cultuur



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