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Paradiso kiest Paylogic als innovatieve ticketing partner

28 mei, 2019

20190118 016 Gerry Cinnamon Niels Vinck

Vandaag kondigen we officieel de nieuwe samenwerking met het innovatieve ticketingbedrijf Paylogic aan. Sinds begin april verkopen we al voor een aantal programma’s tickets via Paylogic, eind juni gaan we helemaal over op de verkoop van toegangsbewijzen en lidmaatschappen via ons nieuwe ticketplatform. De naam Paylogic zul je echter niet veel tegenkomen, want vanaf dan bestel je je kaarten direct op, zonder onze website te verlaten.

Vandaag kondigen we officieel de nieuwe samenwerking met het innovatieve ticketingbedrijf Paylogic aan. Sinds begin april verkopen we al voor een aantal programma’s tickets via Paylogic, eind juni gaan we helemaal over op de verkoop van toegangsbewijzen en lidmaatschappen via ons nieuwe ticketplatform. De naam Paylogic zul je echter niet veel tegenkomen, want vanaf dan bestel je je kaarten direct op, zonder onze website te verlaten.

Thanks to the integration on our website, from now on it will be more easily and quickly to buy tickets for the Paradiso programmes of your interest. We will be working closely with Paylogic to improve your experience even more in the upcoming months. We will do this by developing an environment on our website where the ticket sales and the discovering of our extensive programming come together. Paylogic also gives us the tools to further develop the Paradiso membership and, thanks to smart solutions, shorten the waiting time at the door.

Tickets are also for sale at the Concerto recordstore in Amsterdam and (until July 1st) in Primera stores throughout the country. The latter stops selling tickets from all ticket suppliers on said date, including Paylogic.


Your Paradiso membership will be more easy to use. Did you buy your membership straight from Then your membership will be automatically activated as soon as it's being scanned at the entrance. From that moment onwards, your membership is valid for 30 days. That's different from the old memberships from Ticketmaster, which have a fixed activation date. 

We'll announce more exciting things you can do with your membership in the upcoming months.

Below, we have a short FAQ regarding the transition.