Hearing protection

When you face high sound levels, it is wise to use ear plugs. You hear the music well, you can actually have a conversation, and you are protecting your ears. Paradiso supports the I Love My Ears-campaign because we think it's very important you not only enjoy (our) music now, but will continue to do so for many years to come.
Protect your ears
We're not here to coddle you. However, we do think it is important to tell you something about the effects of high noise levels during gigs. To prevent damage to your ears, using some sort of hearing protection is a smart move. You hear the music well, you can actually have a conversation, and you are protecting your ears.
We value the quality of our sound output as much as the protection of your ears. Therefore we undersigned the Dutch Covenant for Prevention of Hearing Damage in the Music Sector.
I Love My Ears
We at Paradiso support the I Love My Ears initiative, because we think it's very important you not only enjoy (our) music now, but will continue to do so for many years to come! And for this you need good protection.
Please have a look at the websites of I Love My Ears (in Dutch) for tips & tricks on protecting your ears.
Earplugs available at Paradiso
To make protecting your ears even easier, Paradiso supplies two types of ear plugs. We sell reusable ear plugs (Alpine Plug-It), and you can also get single-use ear plugs for free. These are found in all of our venues.
In Paradiso itself there are two machines, one near the lockers and one opposite our toilets, downstairs in the building. The Alpine Plug-It is a reusable, black earplug made of thermoplastic material.
Sound levels in Paradiso
How you enjoy our music and sound depends on where you are in the room. The sound levels are about the same, but in some spots there are fewer vibrations which can feel more comfortable. Is the music too loud for you? Check whether you feel more comfortable in the back of the room. Or try the area below the balconies.